
well . . . today was rather vanilla. but when it comes to life, vanilla is one of my favorite flavors. predictable, safe, and you can add other flavors to it (like chocolate) whenever you decide.

i've been rather drained lately, though. i've got a server at work that keeps freezing up, but the logs don't say anything. it's like having a friend or spouse who won't talk to you, but there's a problem somewhere in your relationship.

and issues like this tend to cause you to lose sleep. they stay on your mind and keep you digging for answers when none seem to be there. yep, that's what this particualr server is doing to me.

i'm sitting in the server room, about to go home and call it a day. noisy place, a server room can be. luckily, we have a small office adjacent to the server room. i can sit here and work, and listen to jimi for a little bit between phone calls.

really makes the time zip by!

my tenant finally got the heat turned on! makes me feel good knowing that all the effort finally make the house habitable.

but, the tenant said that he's short on the rent and asked if i'd wait until monday to collect.

i don't mind, but i hope he doesn't keep putting that off until new years or something.

all i know is, bitch betta have my money.

i paid too much to get the plumbing and heat fixed for someone to live in that house for free!

my wife might go to a party tonight with a new girlfriend of hers. so yeah, it's a girl thing. i need to find myself a party to go to one night. maybe i'll call up my old friend that i bumped into at the chinese restaurant last week. catching up with him and talking about old times would be real good fun, i bet.

but as things are, she keeps going out while i sit at home and watch the kids.

ok, she doesn't go out all the time, but more than i do.

time to add just a little flavor to my vanilla ice cream life.