In some of my previous writings, I purposely employed the use of a lower-case "i" as my personal pronoun in order to express a sense of inadequacy or smallness. You can find examples of this in previous posts on this blog.
Today-- that practice ends.
I feel empowered in such a way that I shall never reference myself with a lower-case "i" again. Yesterday, illumination flooded my mind as I beheld the liberating consequence of empowerment.
Proving competence to yourself authorizes you to control your destiny.
For me, the term "self-esteem" had evolved into a muted truth buried in cliché. But now . . . that buried truth bursts forth as I prove to myself-- my most brutal critic-- that I am capable. I am able. I can. And-- I get high from just realizing that. When I prove to myself that I can solve my own problems by reaching beyond myself, I become empowered-- and I crave more of it.
I do not claim total self-sufficiency; Interdependence is inevitable. I know that I cannot solve every challenge single handedly. But, confidence inspires that very same substance out of others; eventually, multiple hands appear-- assisting you with lifting daunting challenges out of the way.
Today, I am empowered. Hereafter, I will succeed.