
tough week, but i've met some of my personal goals for the week.

i've worked out every day this week, and i've gone to bed early and got up early every day so far.

i did my upper body monday and friday-- waking up at 04:30. i did my lower body and cardio on tuesday and thursday. lower body on wednesday. i wake up by 05:30 on the other days.

i've been eating well and i have moments where i feel really great again.

but in the evenings, i get really sleepy and a little grouchy. 22:00 is starting to feel like 02:00 in the morning without any sleep yet. i guess that's good, because that means i'll go to sleep and get a good night's rest, but that's an alien feeling to me-- and to my family. because they're used to me being up. i go to bed, and they keep waking me up as i drift off, asking me questions and stuff. i feel like i'm being rude, but i just drift off to sleep. i don't know if i even answer them sometimes. i try, but i can't open my mouth-- sleep is taking hold.

i figured out some things at work and i've been getting there on time this week. i stay a little late, but not much because i need to go to bed early.

anyhow, this week took a lot of effort on my part and i feel like i rose to the occasion overall.

i'm so glad today is friday. i'm soooooo looking forward to this weekend.

well, i gotta get my kids up and ready to catch the bus . . .

that's the other part of my week i haven't mentioned-- my wife started school again for this semester. so, she's taking classes, working late-- leaving me as the house husband often times.

so, i get off work, tend to the kids, prepare for the next day, get them and myself in bed. get them up and off to school, and now i'm squeezing in a workout routine and more sleep. my days burn really fast, it seems.

but, hard work deserves hard play. and i think i'll be doing that tomorrow!