
thank the lords of kobol it's friday!

been bustin' my ass all week.

just watched star trek. i saw the episode, the trouble with tribbles. I never watched that episode all the way through before. i watched it on dvd.

silly episode-- as many original star trek episodes can be. but, underneath most episodes--no matter how silly-- is a social commentary that still speaks to us some 40 years later.

what was the social commentary? follow the facts to find help find the truth rather than jumping to conclusions. be careful of seductive feelings that can cloud your judgment.

and don't feed tribbles.


my stomach is still unsettled, but feels a bit better. lemon-lime soda and salty corn chips is helping my stomach to feel a bit more settled.

a train is passing by. my monitor is shaking on my desktop. damn. first time i've noticed that!

while out going to the store to buy some chips, i smelled pizza in the air. it smelled wonderful, but i still had no appetite. odd to get a whiff of something so wonderful, but not want to eat. any other evening, i would have made a straight line to mazzio's and chowed down.

well . . . now it's time to watch some claymore. i hope it's a good series. i've never seen it before and i'm really interested after seeing the first episode.

then, imma have a little coke 'n crown-- if my stomach can handle it, that is.


i'm still at work, but about to leave. i had to install sshd on a six servers that only had telnet available on them.

now, it's time to go home and play.

my stomach isn't as queasy as before. still feels a bit unstable, though. i'm not hungry at all. i think i'll pick up a lemon-lime soda to settle my stomach some. maybe i'll get some crackers or something like that, too.

shame. i worked damn hard on those pies and i worked damn hard today. i've worked a lot of extra time this week. but from here on-- if i work hard, i gets to play hard, too. otherwise, i'll grow quite bitter, i think.


my daughter checked out a library book. she's five years old. she's really becoming good at reading. she's starting to like it-- just like her brother did when he was five.

i'm very, very proud of her.

i was very proud of my son when he learned to read, too. these are the things that make raising kids worthwhile--

after the fact.

gotta go pick 'em up and take 'em home. i promised i'd let them help me bake another pie this weekend.


i'm skipping the luncheon. i'm feeling sick all of a sudden. maybe all that coffee i drank has my stomach upset. i haven't had coffee in weeks.

my bowels gave an executive order to visit the bathroom. with urgency, i complied.

now, i think i need some pepto bismol. my stomach feels queasy.

since i won't be going to the luncheon, i'll have to finish out my workday like normal. bummer. i was looking forward to the luncheon.

and worst of all . . . i'll never know if anyone liked my pies! they will be at the luncheon, but i will not.

ugh . . . time to take that pepto now and get back to work.


hopelessness is a long, endless, dark tunnel that inexorably leads to a bottomless well of dark despair.

depression is believing you're walking down that endless corridor of despair with no escape route-- save one.

these are not my emotions, but i know people who feel this way and cannot help it. it is very difficult to watch someone suffer from the stuff of depression. to only know brief freedom from it between taking pills.

my dear wife suffers from this and also another one of my dearest friends. i wish i could say something that would make it all go away. but i know that i cannot. their minds are frozen in this state by the hatefulness of others.

it is so unfair. but, they are both brave people because every day they wake up and face that long tunnel and live.


the luncheon will be soon. but all of a sudden, my stomach aches and i have no appetite. what luck?!

i'm reading about weblogic. i cannot get any new domains to be created-- only the example domain will appear. do i need a better license. no one out there knows or gives a clear answer. searching for clear information on weblogic has been like listening to a mentally ill person spew out a flight of disconnected ideas.

maybe the problem is me.

i have found weblogic: the definitive guide. but, so far, it has not answered my question, but several hundred pages my be sitting on top of the answer-- if the answer is to be found at all.

who knows? if you know what i'm doing wrong with weblogic, please comment.

or not. i'll live.


now these pies taste much, much better.

almost like mom's.

my washer won't run the spin cycles.

the washing machine's lid has a peg on it that lines up with a notch in the door frame of the washing machine's chassis. the peg on the door depresses a switch underneath that notch when you lower the lid.

well, the switch is mounted in just the right place by screws. the mount broke from wear and tear over the years.

i fumbled with it for days. i tried tape and cords to try and hold it in place. sometimes it would work. but the jarring of the spin cycle throws everything out of place.

but as my pies were baking, i finally had an idea.

the switch has a flexible metal brace under it that protrudes out like a long lip or finger.

I bent the metal brace backwards and permanently pressed down the switch.

voilĂ !

all the cycles complete. i can wash my clothes again.

i should be sleep. you wouldn't realize that i have to be at work in the morning if you notice how late this log spooled.


my pies taste like shit.

my wife says they're good, but i think she's just being nice.

i made two more pies. i was doubling the recipe on the last batch, but didn't double the sugar. so, my pies taste horrible. they remind me of imitation chess pies that i've bought out of restaurants who don't know diddly about chess pies.

i've made another batch of batter and put them in the oven. i almost made another horrible blunder and forgot to add my milk. i poured the batter into one of my pie shells before adding the milk.


i had to pour it back into the bowl, add the milk, stir and pour back into she shells again. i think these still have a chance to come out to be a pale comparison of momma's chess pie.

now one of the pies is dripping goo onto the heating element in the stove and instead of smelling that sweet, wonderful aroma of confections, i smell charred carbon.

bloody hell.

oh well, nothin' a glass of crown royal and an episode of claymore or star trek can't fix.

worse case scenario . . . i'll go to walmart and bring a pound cake to the luncheon. or, maybe i just won't go all together.

my son came stumbling into the kitchen. he scared the willies out of me. i asked him if he was going to sneak up on me one day and stab me in the back.

he says he might one day if he ever works for the special forces.

he has an inappropriate interest in snipers and assassins for a nine year old.