
Well, I'm going to try a few resolutions this year. Like I said in my last log entry, this can either be a new beginning, or a count down of 365 days of more monotony.

I'll take a stab at making this a new beginning.

Here's what I'll try to improve this year:

Physical Health
Finances (was already working on this)
Reading More (was already working on this)
Be able to have a short, meaningful conversation in German with my friend in Germany
Correcting my poor sleep habits (BWAH-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!)
Improve work performance
Be a better husband and father

I believe I have a condition called delayed phase shift syndrome. I honestly believe it-- no joke. I am going to try a combat this.

So, I'm almost ready to go to bed for the night-- which is totally un-like me. I usually don't even start getting ready for bed until around midnight.

I plan to get up at 04:30 and start my exercise routine that I was doing a few years back. I lost about 30 pounds doing that. If I hadn't stopped, I'd kept it off and would be able to kick most people's ass by now.

Oh well . . .

I'd better sign off now. I've got my lunch made and ready to go. I've got my morning planned out, got the cloths for my kids laid out for school . . .

Now, all I have to do is actually get up in the morning.

I hope I don't keep hitting the snooze button.

Wish me luck.

Gute Nacht.