
For all the cleaning up that I did, you wouldn't think I had stayed up all night playing Jade Empire. I played until I was ready to reach the Imperial City. I'm trying to build a character that reaches to at least level 24 in ability stats. I keep stalling out at level 23-- yet still nowhere close to my goal.

I played from late Saturday evening until mid-day today. I took a nap, and got up and exercised.

My game play was interupted around 01:00 Sunday morning by my daughter waking up and vomitimg on the carpet. Of course, I tended to her for a bit and cleaned up that mess too. (yuck!)

She seems fine now, but we're keeping an eye on her. She seems to get a fever off and on. We give her some medicne. She plays, but wont eat.

We'll see. Might be visiting the doctor tomorrow.


Well, the start of week 6 is underway. I did a massive cleanup around the house. Things run more smoothly with order surrounding you.

My daughter seems to be getting sick again. We weren't as strict as we needed to be with he medicine, I fear. So, we may have to give her stronger amti-biotics as a result. She made giving her the medicine veey difficult.

I got my workout finished must as the super bowl was coming on. I'm no all that into it this year. But, I.m catching a few plays here amd there.

Gotta run to the store. My wife is starting to eat healthy with me, so I gotta pick up some items from the store.

I hope this week goes well for the both of us.

So far so good.