
today, i had the pleasure of wrapping my brain around ipv6. ip addresses will eventually start including hexadecimal conversions along with base 10 conversions of binary addresses.

so, we'll not only have addresses like this:

(i just pulled that example above out of my ass-- not an address of any one that I know)

but, also like this:


(likewise, i just pulled this exampled out of my . . . ah, never mind . . . )

looks fun, doesn't it?

i'm trying to get my dns server at work to resolve this stuff. i've got the forward working. but, i'm missing something on the reverse.

but, i really need to be checking out an alert on a web server. it went down and i brought it back up. but now, a co-worker of mine wants to put the server in some sort of maintenance mode for a bit and bring it back up. i'm not sure what he's doing to it at the moment.

i'll have to call him in a bit, i guess.

good to know that the christmas gifts arrived. my wife has hid them from the kids.

i also got two children books written in german and english. i'll start working more on my foreign language. i played around with some chinese the other day, too. that's some hard stuff to read and say.

except pizza. pizza is easy to say. "bi - sa".

and "nee hao".

i get lost after that.

better stick with german for now.