
weather is getting a bit unstable across our region. a tornado warning siren went off a while ago. odd, though . . . the weather seemed so serene at the time the siren began to howl.

maybe that was the quiet before the storm.

well, nothing serious has happened in my neighborhood since the alarm sounded. it rains, then stops. thunder peals softly, and the wind blows, then it becomes calm again.

but, the meteorologists are all going nuts. sometimes you think they enjoy bad weather-- as if that's where the action is.

but, there is damage in places across our state. just not where i live at the moment. it seems it all keeps going around my neck of the woods so far.

i discussed the situation of my brother with a mutual friend. he's about the only person who knows as much detail as i do about the his case. details that i've had to cobble together because i think my brother (out of shame) has kept me in the dark about the true, nitty-grittiness of his case. but, now he asks us if we can help him find new counsel.

i don't think we're equipped to do that. but maybe we can. hard to make a decision like that and help him out when we don't know ourselves what his true situation is.

anyhow . . .

we'll see what we can do.


well, my wife made it home. her professor let them leave a wee bit early because of the weather.

my nephew brought home two slices of left over little caesar's.

pizza! pizza!

little caesar's one toping isn't necessarily the best, but it's sure the most bang for you buck! five dollars can get you a large one topping. eight dollars can get you a triple meat pizza that tastes just as good as any other national pizza chain.

ooops, here's the siren again. guess i better hit the hallway.

although, it's still really quiet outside-- minus the siren and the howling dogs.

maybe this is the quite before the storm-- like last time.


well, the person at the book store mislead me by telling me they had the book we were looking for. they only had copies available for "institutional" use.

the book isn't on line anywhere that i can tell. just a few samples on google books.

and, my son's friend doesn't have the same assignments. we went to see if maybe he brought the book home, but nope . . . that wasn't our luck.

we had corn dogs for dinner. you know, the ones they wouldn't eat yesterday.
you guessed it. my wife is in class tonight. so, i'm the cook.

my daughter is really, really clingy tonight. it was really sweet at first, but now, i want to just pick her up and set her down somewhere. i had to escape just for a moment.

my son is calling. i guess he's finally realized that the sample in google books just won't cut it.

nothing i can do. poor kid should have remember to bring home his book maybe next time he'll remember after missing some time from recess or something.

hey, he'll live. in the grand scheme of things, this will probably be a quiet insignificant moment in his life.


my son left a book at school that he requires to complete his homework.

i wanted to avoid the rain, but looks like we've got to get out in it so that i can get him this book that he says desperately needs.

oh well . . .

i'm making him pay for it out of his savings, since he has a copy of it at school already.

i check the local libraries. no luck. so . . . heading to the book store. i called ahead. they have several copies.

i'll let him off the hook with the air mattress. but i told him that if he puts another hole in this new one i bought, he's paying me double before out of his allowance before i let him earn any more money again.

these are some pricey mistakes he's been making lately. hope he wises up a bit.


sometimes i get the good fortune of working from home. i worked most of my workday at the office. i'm taking a late lunch which is basically over at this point. i'll start finishing out the balance of my work day from home. i can't do this often, though. so, this isn't the norm-- unfortunately.

my wife builds websites as a side job. someone saw one of her sites and thought they were professional looking and want to know if she'll set one up for her. she feels good about herself when she hears things like that. i'm glad someone spoke well of her sites. she is a good layout designer and has an eye for good advertising and logo design. and of course, she's really good with color coordination. so, don't judge her skills by any of my blogs. she doesn't really help me with any of them. *joke* i guess i don't get complementary service just for being her hubby. i gotta take a number and pay her for her services, too, just like anybody else. */joke*

well, gotta log off of here and get back to work. i'm at home because the weather will probably become inclement and staying at home will increase my chances of staying out of the looming meteorological mess that may come our way.