
i should be in bed, but i'm not.

my wife made it home. we talked a bit. she's falling asleep.

she's depressed this evening. her hairdo high has come down and now she's starting to crash. oh well, at least she had two days of happiness.

we found ourselves discussing all the problems in our family. one niece has dropped out of her first year of community college because she got pregnant just before the semester started. now she wants to use a old beat up car of mine that probably doesn't run anyhow. she doesn't have her license yet.

aw . . . never mind. it starts to get too depressing.

well, i didn't get around to watching star trek. i decided to read some other blogs instead. i find a lot of enjoyment keeping up with my favorite blogs.

and, i just polished off another bowl of cocoa covered vanilla ice cream. mmmmmm, fattening.

time to get back on my exercise plan. so hard to get that going again. but, i had better. i'm starting to feel run down again.

so odd how that feeling goes away when you exercise on a regular basis. but, exercise if often the last thing a sedentary person wants to do.

hopefully i can get back into it and stick to it. all this ice cream is going to force me to by new pants if i keep this up.

maybe it will inspire my wife, too.

well, gotta get some sleep soon. got an appointment with the plumber tomorrow.

good thing the tenant is out of town. otherwise, he's be at the house freezing his ass off right now!

i hope i can get this fixed before he gets back.

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