
For all the cleaning up that I did, you wouldn't think I had stayed up all night playing Jade Empire. I played until I was ready to reach the Imperial City. I'm trying to build a character that reaches to at least level 24 in ability stats. I keep stalling out at level 23-- yet still nowhere close to my goal.

I played from late Saturday evening until mid-day today. I took a nap, and got up and exercised.

My game play was interupted around 01:00 Sunday morning by my daughter waking up and vomitimg on the carpet. Of course, I tended to her for a bit and cleaned up that mess too. (yuck!)

She seems fine now, but we're keeping an eye on her. She seems to get a fever off and on. We give her some medicne. She plays, but wont eat.

We'll see. Might be visiting the doctor tomorrow.

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