
This seventh week has been a test of my resolve. I've often felt a strong desire to skip working out. But, I have hung in there this week and I stuck to my routine. Looking back, I'm proud of myself for sticking to the plan.

Now, I can fit into pair of jeans that I couldn't get past my thighs. I like that. It's almost like getting a new pair of jeans for free.

Well, better hit the sack-- gotta get up and lift weights in the morning before getting the kids ready for school.


Anonymous said...

Congrats! Just wait until you have to replace all your clothes because you have no choice...

Uruk said...

Yes, that would be a "good problem" to have. Thanks for the encouragment. I really want this to stick for the rest of my life. It's so easy to gain all the weight back if you don't stay focused and dilligent. I'm trying to make the journey the destination-- If you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I know!

Forty pounds down, and counting. Although I'm a healthy weight, I've not actually reached my goal. I find my resolve wavering a bit after almost three years, but barring a few pounds (3-4) I've never gained my weight back. Permanent changes are key. I know the weight would move again if I could get regular, varied exercise to avoid plateaus. But moving down here and not being able to ride my bike or walk anywhere has greatly interfered, as now I just seem to have leveled off. Time for a change in strategy, I guess. Plateaus are so annoying.

Uruk said...

Heh . . . I haven't had the pleasure of dealing with a plateau. I'm more of a yo-yo kind of guy, myself.