there is a reason i avoid doing OS patches. luckily, things didn't turn out too badly. had some hiccups this morning. it's hard to troubleshoot at 04:00 and you've been up almost 24 hours prior. let the people who come in at 08:00 fix it. geesh.
one thing i've really wanted to do lately is dig into learning math better. i've got it stuck in my head that math is the highest expression of human reason. maybe it isn't but i'm thinking that these days. as a result, i want to sharpen my math skills. i have the good fortune of having an acquaintance who just earned his math degree. he is eager to assist anyone who may have any interest in math-- so he provided me with several texts that undergrads would read if they were pursuing a math degree. he cautioned me not to get too hung up in any one chapter; in other words, not to feel like i have to totally grasp chapter 1 to move on to chapter 2 because the ideas often times get revisited and some ideas are really just introductory-- so they will be better explained in more detail later. but, i've done a poor job of following his advice as i still find myself in chapter on of each book he gave me.
it's amazing how we start with the simplest of ideas and before you know it, you're wading in some really deep thoughts. i often find myself reading along, going-- yeah, yeah, that makes sense. yeah . . . uh huh, yeah, that follows . . . yeah . . . yeah . . . hey?! WTF . . . how in the hell . . . whoa.
another activity i want to partake in more often is playing the game of wei qi, or more commonly known in the states as the game of go. some may also know this game as baduk, as well. apparently, this game it great for keeping sharp and game play is far more difficult to master than chess. the rules are easier, but the number of combinations are far greater and more decisions are required before considering your move. not to suggest that chess is inferior, though. anything that helps with problem solving is a great activity to do.
i guess that's why i'm becoming drawn to such games and activities-- i want to improve my problem solving skills. they suck, but it's something i enjoy doing nonetheless. i'm hoping these actives will help me grow-- much like sudoku did for me some years back.
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