my wife says they're good, but i think she's just being nice.
i made two more pies. i was doubling the recipe on the last batch, but didn't double the sugar. so, my pies taste horrible. they remind me of imitation chess pies that i've bought out of restaurants who don't know diddly about chess pies.
i've made another batch of batter and put them in the oven. i almost made another horrible blunder and forgot to add my milk. i poured the batter into one of my pie shells before adding the milk.
i had to pour it back into the bowl, add the milk, stir and pour back into she shells again. i think these still have a chance to come out to be a pale comparison of momma's chess pie.
now one of the pies is dripping goo onto the heating element in the stove and instead of smelling that sweet, wonderful aroma of confections, i smell charred carbon.
bloody hell.
oh well, nothin' a glass of crown royal and an episode of claymore or star trek can't fix.
worse case scenario . . . i'll go to walmart and bring a pound cake to the luncheon. or, maybe i just won't go all together.
my son came stumbling into the kitchen. he scared the willies out of me. i asked him if he was going to sneak up on me one day and stab me in the back.
he says he might one day if he ever works for the special forces.
he has an inappropriate interest in snipers and assassins for a nine year old.
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