
hopelessness is a long, endless, dark tunnel that inexorably leads to a bottomless well of dark despair.

depression is believing you're walking down that endless corridor of despair with no escape route-- save one.

these are not my emotions, but i know people who feel this way and cannot help it. it is very difficult to watch someone suffer from the stuff of depression. to only know brief freedom from it between taking pills.

my dear wife suffers from this and also another one of my dearest friends. i wish i could say something that would make it all go away. but i know that i cannot. their minds are frozen in this state by the hatefulness of others.

it is so unfair. but, they are both brave people because every day they wake up and face that long tunnel and live.


the luncheon will be soon. but all of a sudden, my stomach aches and i have no appetite. what luck?!

i'm reading about weblogic. i cannot get any new domains to be created-- only the example domain will appear. do i need a better license. no one out there knows or gives a clear answer. searching for clear information on weblogic has been like listening to a mentally ill person spew out a flight of disconnected ideas.

maybe the problem is me.

i have found weblogic: the definitive guide. but, so far, it has not answered my question, but several hundred pages my be sitting on top of the answer-- if the answer is to be found at all.

who knows? if you know what i'm doing wrong with weblogic, please comment.

or not. i'll live.

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