
you know, bowling was really fun, but my fingers are really, really starting to hurt now.

can you say, "carpal tunnel"?

i thought my back would be the casualty of my activities saturday evening, but no . . . it's my hand!


some of the schmoyoho brother's videos have really been crackin' my side!

one about the grocery bagger wasn't very funny, but was interesting. the quote in the video really caught my ears: amateurs practice to get it right, but the pros practice to never get it wrong.

then i reflected upon the creatively behind many of the good videos that they have and their singing talent is actually quite good.

it all made me wish that i was extremely good at something that made me stand out. it made me wish that i could have a masterpiece of some sort in any area of creativity-- music, writing, video, comedy, research-- anything.

maybe one day . . .

i can tell you one thing, though. you can bet your ass that for me, it *won't* be bowling!

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