i went to a chinese restaurant today. they were playing chrsitmas music. here in the south, they play the local radio stations and holiday music. sometimes even country music. i've been to some resturants outside this state that plays traditional chinese music. i wonder if they are catering to the demographic of their customers, or if they simply don't want to continue portraying the stereotype he may have of the chinese.
oh well, the food was good and the staff was very friendly. and the christmas music was no bother at all.
my back feels a bit better. it took a muscle relaxer last night. i also drank a lot of cranberry juice. i think the muscle relaxer might be the thing that's helping. if this doesn't get better soon, i'll see a doctor. i don't want to find out that this was something worse 10 months from now.
my wife hates her job and is waiting for something else to come open. i hope that can happen soon. i think she's approaching her breaking point.
i might have been wrong about thinking we found our nephew's stash. i was hesty in saying such a thing as fact. but, i won't pry. we weren't snooping-- only making up the sheets on his air mattress.
lunch break is almost over. gotta head back to the office and get some more work done.
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