it's one thing for amazon to say, "oh, we didn't know this book was here. shit! let's take it down!"
nope. they said something like, "we don't want to censor people just because their content is objectionable--even though we don't condone it."
okay, that's not really an exact quote of their statement, but that's the gist of it, to me.
so, i decided that i wouldn't buy anything else from amazon until they admitted that they made a mistake.
boycotts were threatened. they pulled the e-book. their stock dipped mildly and came back up with little problem over the next few days.
i really wish we had stuck it to 'em. i know we live in a world of free speech. it's just that free speech does have it's consequences. it's free speech because the government cannot imped the delivery of the message. it's not free speech in the sense that it's free of repercussions.
anyway . . . i usually do all my christmas shopping from amazon because i hate malls and shopping centers and all that.
anyway. i'm trying not to bow down. but, it almost seems pointless to protest any more.
i wrote the letter to my brother about the mystery check he received. i hate having to do things like that. it makes the disappointed of his situation fresh again. he's older than me and i always looked to him for wisdom. many times, he was even a father figure. somehow, he seems to have become a bit delusional lately. i'm not sure what has changed about him. maybe i just never saw it before. maybe people can have uncanny wisdom in certain areas of their lives, and have uncanny delusions in other areas of their lives.
at least he's in a low security facility. it's not like he's in oz or anything. i'd be worried to death if that were the case.
my wife called me from her cell. that means she's off work and heading home. she's probably going to have a lot to talk about concerning work today. or maybe not. anyway, when she gets home, i'll try to spend a little time with her.
but first, i gotta get the kids in bed. it's late, but they don't have school.
Uruk, I have to disagree about Amazon. I think pedophilia is a disgusting, repulsive act and is rightly condemned. However, censorship in any form is wrong.
If Amazon censors this book (as they have) what will happen when a political ideology becomes widely condemned. Will they censor those books was well? Or what about a particular religion? It is a dangerous slope.
Personally, I think Amazon was wrong to pull the book. But I am controversial like that.
Well, Amazon pulled the book because of the bottom line, more than anything else. The government hasn't told them to pull the book. People don't want to do business with them for supporting the continued sales of book.
I personally didn't like their choice, but it's their choice.
I think the hypocrisy of the matter bothers me most. Amazon claims that it is against their policy to have sexually explicit material sold on their site. Ha! You can find it really easily. But, they claim it's not permitted. If free speech isn't reason enough to have legal adult material on their site, then why should they be allowed to have adult material that potentially victimizes minors?
That bugged me most of all.
Nothing wrong with being controversial. Our society stays free because of it. I may sway to your opinion on this matter one day after some thought. I have mixed feelings about it. That's why it's hard to stop shopping with Amazon, after all.
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