
the pies are out of the oven. they look good. maybe i over cooked them a little bit. but, nothing major. next time, i'll take them out sooner. i just want to make sure the filling completely congealed.

i just opened a letter from the federal trade commision saying that they sued life lock and made a settlement with them. since i was a former customer, i got something from the settlement.

I got ten dollars and eighty-seven cents.

that wasn't even a monthly payment for my whole family. i guess i can go buy myself a hamburger or something.

cashing the check doesn't take away my legal rights to bring about my own law suite against life lock. but, what ever i get, the trade commission's settlement that i received will be deducted from whatever new award i might get.

yeah-- so if i get millions back from life lock because i sue them myself, they'll be sure to deduct that whopping ten dollars and eight-seven cents from any other legal award i might pursue.

i'll just go enjoy myself a hamburger and hope the cashier doesn't steal my identity from my debit card. trying to sue for more that ten dollars just isn't worth it.

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